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Build Your Ultimate Product Launch Strategy

with Steve Shaw, AutoPylot Technologies

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95% of product launches fail. Don’t let this be you. Learn how to pinpoint market fit, finesse your Go-To-Market strategies, and craft campaigns that truly resonate. This episode reveals the art of not overwhelming your audience while focusing on what really matters—solving buyer problems and fine-tuning your approach. Perfect your product launch strategy!

Listen & Learn

  • Understand why your product might not be hitting the mark and how to pivot based on direct customer feedback.
  • The key insights from early adopters can drastically shape the trajectory and success of your product. Learn how to harness this power effectively.
  • Dive into why some poorly designed products succeed through strong marketing, and how to ensure your product doesn’t rely solely on glitz and glam.
  • Start with customer problems and needs — not your assumptions. Feedback is gold!
  • Too broad an approach can lead to failure. How targeting specific groups enhances effectiveness and resonance.
  • Avoid the common pitfall of over-packing features. Simplicity and relevance in feature-set can lead to greater product success.

Guest Bio

Steve Shaw is CMO for Autopylot Technologies. He is a passionate, dynamic B2B marketing leader with more than 20 years of experience across networking, mobile, IoT and enterprise SaaS companies. Steve has driven go-to-market strategies for companies from $0-$100m in revenues. His expertise in product marketing and aligning GTM strategy has positioned companies for 10X valuation increases, funding events, and acquisitions. With a strong technical background and strategic insight, Steve’s proven track record includes refining sales, marketing, and product strategies that translate into growth.

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